I love no-nonsense, straightforward, non-egotistical rock music that comes complete with a kick-ass attitude that demands the listener do exactly that. Even more so when the lyric appears specifically written for me, it’s that combination that really encourages you to truly inhabit a song; that fosters a magical bond between listener and band so you immediately feel part of beyond yourself.
That’s the dynamic I experienced when listening to Toronto band Propter Hawk’s latest single, “Time Won’t Wait” – itself part of a forthcoming extended play titled “Sorry.” It’s also very much a sign of the times lament, tapping into the widespread discontent and disillusionment many feel in relation to today’s political scene. “It’s essentially a reaction to the political disparity and this song is about running away from all of that,” shares lead guitarist Alec McEachern – something surely many of us will relate to!

Within the press release, the band describes their sound as a synthesis: ‘As if Janis Joplin and Paul McCartney had a love child and gave it up for adoption to estranged uncles Otis Redding and Robbie Robertson.’ Strangely, when listening, I understood exactly why they’d make such a statement. Don’t ask me why or how, it just seemed right.
Maybe it has something to do with the rock powerhouse vocals that Malorie Jo Blake brings, or Jimmy Ruddock’s earthy, earnest bluesy rhythm guitar work combining with dynamic drumming from Carlin Nicholson that underpins the track, each part glued and solidified by Brian Derro’s neat and handy bass work. Who knows, it might even stem from the vintage gear employed by the band themselves? Wherever the answer lies, it certainly carries that rock ‘n’ roll swagger of old.
You don’t really need to meet the band members to understand that they’re both, individually and collectively, steeped in rock history. It’s evident within the music they create, as is their raw energy, and enough to conclude that they’re likely an absolute terrific live watch. With that said, what a great way (and tune) to kick off this new year!
Photo Credit: Official Press Release
Music has been a lifelong passion, a journey that as a child embraced the late 60's counter culture and has lasted until the present day. Despite trying to play guitar for the best part of 45 years, to his own frustration, never much beyond the first four bars of “Stairway to Heaven.” A self-confessed vinyl junkie, his other interests include collecting music memorabilia, old Muhammad Ali fight programs, and watching film. He lives alone in Nottingham (England) and still uses the term “Groovy” - these two facts may be intrinsically connected.