“The world seems to be on fire / And everybody’s gonna die / But it’s cool / No big deal / I’m alright.”
Following a much-needed US Thanksgiving excursion up in Southern ON, Team GDW are back home, and really – REALLY – need something strong (it’s a tad early for the five o’clock variety) to help us kick start off a new month and a new work week. One moment we were enjoying a relaxing break up north, taking in some great shows and catching up with good friends, and then the next, we’re back here in central PA pacing the halls knowing that it will likely be spring before we take that road trip again. But it’s cool! No big deal! We’re alright!
December is officially here, and as the mercury steadily drops and the days become increasingly shorter, our cries for something strong to keep us motivated further intensifies. On a hectic workday morning like this, where the coffee simply ain’t cutting it (and wisdom dictates avoiding the liquor cabinet this early in the day), we must look elsewhere to rejuvenate our resilience and boost our inner resolve. But it’s cool!

Cue the timely arrival of this antidote – which we are delighted to officially premiere today – courtesy of contemporary jazz duo Dizzy & Fay, who release this video for “I’m Alright,” a single found on their 2022 “Hooked” album. Where the original audio version provided a brief foray into Fay’s anger management skills and a temporary unleashing of her (slightly disturbing?) darker persona, this visual delight elevates their game to a whole new level – serving up much more than just tea and breakfast in their quaint speakeasy sitting room. No big deal!!
Seated around their table, newspapers in hand, there are signs of tension in the air. “I’m alright / I’m okay / What’s the point / In you asking me that anyway?” Fay articulates, clearly exercising restraint, hinting of something untoward long bubbling under the surface that is raring to escape and blow. At first glance, it is perhaps Fay’s displeasure that while she took time to dress appropriately (love the lemon meringue eyeshadow), Dizzy opts instead for jogging pants and a toque? No, there’s much more brewing than just the hot tea here. “I’ll be fine / In a day / Get some sleep / And then dream all my troubles away…”

It would be a disservice to offer any further spoilers – and we highly encourage everyone to take a couple of minutes to fully enjoy this mini movie. For both Dizzy and Fay, sometimes taking a deep breath to ease tensions, or clearing the mind with calming thoughts are simply inadequate therapeutic solutions to get the job done. When the stakes are high, maybe picking up the Louisville Slugger is the way to go. Again – no spoilers (okay, just a slight one) – but Fay sure could consider trying out as a pinch hitter for the Blue Jays come baseball season’s spring training camp. She’s alright!!!
“With an emphasis on the everyday occurrence of resilience and restraint, it shines a light on our unspoken social commitment to uphold niceties in the face of utter chaos and destruction,” the duo share – allowing the listener to select their own source of frustration (and let’s be honest – there are plenty of reasons right now, no matter where you are in the world). “It really was a blast to film [and] really hits the feelings right now.” But it’s cool! No big deal!! We’re alright!!!
Warning: Lemon meringue may or may not have been harmed during the recording process. Dessert lover discretion advised…
Photo Credit: Jen Squires / Artist Website
The British guy that crossed the ocean and crash landed in central Pennsylvania (to quote Greg Keelor, “And I wonder what am I doing here?”). As the youngest of four siblings, exposure to music from a very early age nurtured my passion and appreciation for many musical genres. Continuing to discover some amazingly diverse and talented musicians based in Canada, I gravitate to live music experiences and remain devoted to spreading the word about such a vibrant music scene.