Essential New Releases: BC Random Discoveries

Essential New Releases

Back in September, we published a small article about tunes landing on our listening radar courtesy of the music streaming platform algorithms, recommending songs based on our listening habits. While the choices were relatively unknown US artists (to us), we featured some that we really enjoyed, and considered maybe doing a similar piece again one day. 

Spending a little time scrolling through social media recently, a similar pattern emerged – not necessarily an AI Bot calling the shots, but through an influx of new releases from independent artists we’ve ‘followed’ on our socials over the years. There was also a geographical theme, it seems, with a definite west coast bias. Bombarded with these great summer jams, we’re going to ‘pay it forward’ and share some here for your enjoyment. 

Madisyn Gifford, “Seventeen” 

Vancouver, BC artist Madisyn Gifford was featured on GDW back in late 2020 with her stunning debut single “Missing You,” only to disappear immediately afterwards. Curiosity took over when Madisyn’s name appeared recently whilst scrolling our social media feed, prompting a listen of her latest single, “Seventeen.” With some radio-friendly country flair, typically I’d move on quickly, but my instincts said otherwise – and upon hitting the amazing bridge at the 2:30 mark, discovered a gem of a tune. Give this one a whirl – trust your instincts (if country is not your thing) – and thank me later. 

Current Swell, “Ba Ba Song” 

It’s hard to believe that over six years have passed since we enjoyed a show in VA by Vancouver Island, BC indie-folk rockers Current Swell, and harder still to accept that we have not featured their music here at GDW since summer 2019. So yes, you know that I pumped the scrolling brakes hard when the band popped up in my social media feed just last month. With an incredibly short two-minute run time, “Ba Ba Song” hits the senses just like a Current Swell song from a decade ago – so timeless is this short and sweet ditty that puts a smile on my face each time I listen. This band generate smiles with ease… 

Elise Boulanger (ft. Sean Patton), “Chrysalis” 

Nanaimo, BC artist Elise Boulanger was featured just once here (summer 2021), and like Madisyn Gifford, unintentionally fell from our radar. ‘Duly noted,’ the algorithms obviously stated, dropping this latest single, “Chrysalis” into our feeds and prompting a rapid pause in the scrolling activity to learn more. “Chrysalis” has all the hallmarks of being a tune that Elise may have purposely kept in her back pocket for a while – sharing only now with this fabulous piano accompaniment from fellow Nanaimo artist Sean Patton – the music video starting out in the confines of a dimly lit room before Elise escapes to her flora and fauna filled happy space. 

Petunia & The Vipers, “Bible Preacher” 

You must REALLY explore the deeper depths of the GDW archives to locate the last time we featured Vancouver’s ‘genre-bending’ band Petunia & the Vipers – roll back that calendar to late 2017, and you’ll find an interview discussing their “Lonesome Heavy and Lonesome” album. We are clearly long overdue for a check in – and once again, the social media algorithms agreed by dropping this latest single into our feed. Genre-bending, I hear you ask? Go ahead and give this one a whirl, and encounter an outstanding fusion of country, swing, folk, blues, jazz, dixie, rockabilly, and gospel. Fabulous stuff… 

The British guy that crossed the ocean and crash landed in central Pennsylvania (to quote Greg Keelor, “And I wonder what am I doing here?”). As the youngest of four siblings, exposure to music from a very early age nurtured my passion and appreciation for many musical genres. Continuing to discover some amazingly diverse and talented musicians based in Canada, I gravitate to live music experiences and remain devoted to spreading the word about such a vibrant music scene.

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