I’m sure that most folks would agree that nothing beats hearing an amazing tune burst from the airwaves when watching a movie or television show. Matching the perfect piece of music to a pivotal moment is likely a lot more difficult that we may imagine – the score could make or break the scene – making this truly an art form. But when done correctly, this synergy between audio and visual can delight the senses, tug at the heartstrings, and just leave us momentarily lost in a haze.
When the tune happens to belong to one of your favorite Canadian independent artists, better still, right? And talk about an easy diversion to namedrop Blue Rodeo and their cameo role in the 1990 Meryl Streep movie, “Postcards from the Edge” – but when seeking a much more recent example, I quickly recall Toronto alt-rocker Joan Smith’s 2020 single “Pull” being picked up for the first episode of the ABC series “Rebel” (starring Katey Segal, whose character was based loosely on the life of Erin Brockovich). Strategically placed at the perfect moment in the story arc, consider those senses more than delighted.
For the last couple of years – and this applies more to our northern neighbor than here in the US – ‘Subaru Canada’ have aired a series of commercials with a ‘welcome to uncommon’ tag, finding that perfect union of audio and visual with an infectious jingle that likely has toes tapping across the continent. We caught one of these commercials whilst streaming a hockey game last fall (Canadian feed) – and recall the scene where a young rear passenger notices the gaze of the wild deer staring in her open window, before the pop-soul soundtrack kicks back into life and bounces around the room. The voice – so familiar – but just who was it?

Fast forward to the present (a few days into the new year) when, during a drive to the office, this tune started playing on the car radio – and being a SiriusXM channel, this was no 30-second commercial. “Don’t let no one tell you / How to speak or how to live … / ‘Cause I was made to go against the grain / So don’t tell me to fall in line again / The common life was never meant for me.” Rewarded with a full 3-minute version of “Against The Grain,” the light-bulb moment finally occurred when the names Julianna Riolino and Adrian Underhill scrolled across the radio display.
Skimming through Julianna’s social media later that evening, I would learn that the single was officially released on streaming services back in August. “ASK (perpetually for the last two years) and receive!” Julianna shared in one of her September posts. “[Adrian Underhill] and I recorded a full-length version. Thanks to Subaru Canada for giving us the freedom to do so!”
I’m not going to make excuses for failing to connect the dots between artist and song until now. Being a pop jingle with a seriously cool Motown-era vibe, the sound was something I would have never associated with this indie alt-country rocker. It’s not the first time either – remember when Vanessa Paradis did something similar with “Be My Baby” back in 1992, tapping into some 60s soul vibes to create an almost identical disconnect? But just as I did back in the early 90s, I can make up for lost time with Julianna’s tune by battering the repeat button to death … if only I had known sooner, this one would have been a lock for my 20 Memorable Canadian Singles feature last month.
Photo Credit: Artist(s) website
The British guy that crossed the ocean and crash landed in central Pennsylvania (to quote Greg Keelor, “And I wonder what am I doing here?”). As the youngest of four siblings, exposure to music from a very early age nurtured my passion and appreciation for many musical genres. Continuing to discover some amazingly diverse and talented musicians based in Canada, I gravitate to live music experiences and remain devoted to spreading the word about such a vibrant music scene.