By now you all are well aware of our huge passion for Canadian music. But even before we came to love the tremendous Canadian music scene, both M and I were enthusiastic lovers of all sorts of music.
The resurgence of vinyl – and in particular, our acquisition of a record player several months ago – has resulted in the beginnings of an eclectic record collection here at GDW HQ. Some of our purchases have been replacements for LPs we knew and loved in our childhood; others are albums just tossed into sidewalk sales or antique malls, unloved, unappreciated, and unheard.
We are determined to give these poor vinyl discs the appreciation they deserve. To that end, we’re launching a side blog, Rescued Vinyl, in which we hope to tell some of their stories – not only of the unique places these albums might have had in our own stories, but also why we believe they should be heard and appreciated.
Have no fear – this project won’t distract us from our primary mission here, which is to spotlight the terrific Canadian music scene and the artists who make it so fantastic. But we hope that if you’re a music lover, you’ll come over to Rescued Vinyl occasionally. (If for no other reason, you’ll probably get a sense of just how weird and musically ecumenical we are in real life!)
First up? Some musings on Supertramp’s blockbuster album “Breakfast in America,” a record that I nearly wore out (and unfortunately warped) as a youngster, and love just as much today as I did then.
And… stay tuned this week, because we have something even bigger to share with you from the goings-on here at GDW HQ!!!!
~ L