Review: Kylie Fox, “Sequoia”

Kylie Fox - Sequoia

Some albums are like Swiss army knives – they pair well with almost any situation, whether you’re driving, cooking, or reading. Others require your full attention to be fully appreciated. Rarely, an album can fit into both categories, and that’s precisely where Kylie Fox’s “Sequoia,” released just last month, finds itself. 

The opening track, sharing the album’s name, quickly became a favorite of mine due to its theatrical elements. Close your eyes… The lights dim. A single chord resonates on the keyboard. A spotlight. Kylie emerges! “A sequoia / Burns in California / They’ve been up all night / Taming the flames.” The song builds layer upon layer, showcasing the exceptional musicianship of some of Fredericton’s finest, each adding their unique flavor. As the song concludes, Fox stands alone, leaving your heart racing from the preceding buildup. Breathtaking! 

Kylie Fox

I won’t spoil the rest of the album, but it features many instrumental passages that remind us life isn’t a race. Take in the scenery! Stop and smell the flowers. Reach out to that friend you’ve been neglecting. You’ll be glad you did! This album arrived just as I needed to slow down, and it supports me through that process. It speaks to me! 

The songs are peppered with equal amounts of depth and fun. While Fox’s previous 2020 release, “Green,” was strong, it’s clear she’s having a great time with her bandmates. The unspoken chemistry, developed by sharing the stage night after night with a consistent group of friends – and in the case of drummer Ryan Barrie, her lover and soon-to-be husband – is palpable. Great bands don’t need to communicate verbally – a quick glance or a small gesture conveys the message. Kelly Waterhouse (piano, horns), Sean Hutchins (lead guitar) and Camilo Villamizar (bass) complete the lineup. 

Kylie Fox could be seen as an “old soul.” Her music evokes slightly psychedelic imagery and often revisits an era when pastel colors were everywhere. These were simpler times. Like a hitchhiker, I’m eager to follow her journey and discover more of life through her eyes.  

Photo Credit: Kelly Baker 

Find out more about Kylie Fox here: 

Ollie LeBlanc, based in Fredericton, New Brunswick, discovered his love for music in his parents' basement with a box of classic rock LPs. A lifelong fan, his fascination with music has only grown over the past three decades as a musician. Ollie has worn many hats, including bassist, producer, engineer, and photographer. As he matures, his journey has become more about contributing to the musical community and sharing its richness. What better way to give back to the medium that has given him so much!

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