Appreciating jazz is something that came to me later as my taste in music evolved. And as much as I have come to enjoy many different genres of music over my decades, lately my soul has been craving the soothing sounds that Dizzy & Fay create. Their much-anticipated album “Songbook” was released in its entirety recently, and each song is just as fantastic as the next. Featuring twelve songs, “Songbook” will have you falling in love over and over from start to finish.
If you’ve already found the secret ‘speakeasy’ door on their website, you’ll know that Dizzy & Fay dropped several releases from the album over the past year. One of my favorite tracks that I’ve enjoyed long before the album launched is “Ordinary Love.” Fay sings of the simplicity of finding love in the little things and within everyday events: “Always walking arm in arm / sprinkling everything with parm / basking in the quiet charm / ordinary love.” This is how I picture true love being, as Fay describes, “Going to the grocery store … when I’m with you I’m never bored of ordinary love.”
The hidden gem on this album for me is “Molecule.” Fay’s voice is so delicate as she carefully delivers each note, and Dizzy is perfectly in sync, adding equally delicate accompaniment. “Molecule” is like a little love note you sneak into your partners’ lunch or briefcase: “I can get lost in your eyes like they’re my only view / I see you with every molecule.” The song so sweet and reaches love beyond the borders of the heart.

“Songbook” is full of jazz tunes that will inspire you to serenade your sweetheart, or send you into a hopeless romantic’s daydream. Written by Mark Lalama and Amanda Walther, each song is a joint masterpiece that showcases the magic that Dizzy & Fay have together. This duo is not one to miss!
As if the album itself wasn’t enough of a treat, I also had the pleasure of catching Dizzy & Fay perform an online musical showcase, presented by Music My Mother Would Not Like’s Bruce Swan, and David Newland. Needless to say, seeing those two perform in a real-time setting was wonderful, and as magical live as they are in the studio. I couldn’t help myself – I just had to sing along with Fay during “Walk Me Home,” another one of my favorite cuts from the album (Thank goodness this was a Zoom concert, ha-ha!).
Photo Credit: Jen Squires
Jess has always enjoyed a wide range of music genres and eras. Connecting deeply with classical music, she played cello from grade school through high school, and although no longer actively playing, her affinity for finding an emotional connection to music is still strong. Residing in central PA, she is new to the Canadian music scene and enjoys listening to new artists as a way to break away from “the usual.” Jess is an avid yogi who often finds a sliver of peace while on the yoga mat with good music playing in the background.