Review: Joel Plaskett, “One Real Reveal”

Joel Plaskett - "One Real Reveal"

Joel Plaskett, a cornerstone of Canada’s east coast music scene, first gained prominence 30 years ago with the band Thrush Hermit. His enduring presence has made him a familiar name, with many having attended his concerts over the years. Now, as he enters his fourth decade as a professional musician, Plaskett celebrates with a unique project: “One Real Reveal.” 

This new album features recording technology reminiscent of the early days of his career. Using a 4-track cassette recorder and a Telefunken KM56 microphone, Plaskett embarks on a journey that showcases the raw, human elements of music often lost in modern production. From the crackling in his voice as he counts in the opener “Blind Spots” to the audible tape hiss, the album makes a powerful statement against the over-polished sound of contemporary music. 

The simplicity of the 4-track recorder, with its limited effects and basic equalization, results in an incredibly intimate listening experience. By the time the closing track, “Breezy Jane,” plays, listeners feel a personal connection to Plaskett. 

Joel Plaskett

Apart from two tracks featuring Bill Stevenson on piano and Wurlitzer, every sound on the album is Plaskett’s own. The spoken word pieces are particularly striking, providing vivid imagery that complements the minimalist musical background. This leap in style for Plaskett is executed flawlessly, evoking the picturesque views of Nova Scotia’s south shore. 

The bare melodies and arrangements are simple, matching the album’s minimalist production, occasionally enhanced with mandolin, banjo, and even bouzouki, adding depth without overwhelming the listener. Personal favourites include “Rainy Day Janey” and the title track “One Real Reveal.” 

As summer ends and cooler nights approach, Joel Plaskett’s “One Real Reveal” serves as a comforting companion, much like a warm sweater on a chilly evening.  

Photo Credit: Essery Waller 

Ollie LeBlanc, based in Fredericton, New Brunswick, discovered his love for music in his parents' basement with a box of classic rock LPs. A lifelong fan, his fascination with music has only grown over the past three decades as a musician. Ollie has worn many hats, including bassist, producer, engineer, and photographer. As he matures, his journey has become more about contributing to the musical community and sharing its richness. What better way to give back to the medium that has given him so much!

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